Author Archives: geonepal
Introduction to Geology, geological material and geological process
Geology is a science, related to the scientific study of the earth. This scientific discipline, geology is relatively young because it has been around for just over 200 years. In geology we study everything that is found in the earth, … Continue reading
Physiographic features of Nepal
Hagen (1969) was among the earliest people to propose the physiographic subdivision of Nepal. Terai – Northern part of the Indo-Gangetic basin made up of Recent Alluvium spreading about 10-50 km in width. Churia Range (Siwaliks) or Sub-Himalaya and Dun … Continue reading
Siwaliks, an introduction
Siwaliks is indicated by the yellow line in the following map (map from Chauhan, P.R.): The Siwaliks are made up of mudstones, siltstones, sandstones, and conglomerates. They were deposited in a variety of fluvial environments including piedmonts, outwash plains, channels, … Continue reading